
    The examination of hormones is one of the tests and medical tests performed by the individual to know its proportion in the body, and the extent of its impact on the diseases that are exposed to it, and vary the need to analyze hormones according to their function and importance, and there are many hormones that can be examined.
    - Fluorescent scanning method :
    Methods of examination of hormones The method of enzymes
    through which the proportion of enzymes in the blood is examined.
    - a medical technique that scans microscopic particles through a precise electronic device. Radioisotopes - A group of radioactive elements, through which the level of hormones in the blood is checked. Hormones are one of the chemicals produced by the body naturally and in specific quantities according to need, and in the event of disorder or disorder, which leads to the incidence of many diseases, and perhaps the most important characteristic of the multiple benefits of the body as it performs many vital functions, and it varies By gender.
    - Test thyroid function(THYROID HORMONE) :
    Many tests should be performed to determine the cause of thyroid disorder. Thyroid gland plays a major role in regulating the metabolic process in the body, through which the body can utilize energy. Thyroid glands produce several hormones containing iodine, which depend on food as its primary source. Most iodine, which is absorbed by food in the thyroid gland, Hormones so that the living body contains several mechanics working to absorb iodine and reduce and storage in the thyroid gland. The most prominent of these analyzes are as follows:
    * Measuring thyroid stimulating hormone:
    Thyroid stimulating hormone This is the best way to test thyroid function. The high level of this hormone in the blood indicates a thyroid disorder that leads to decreased hormone secretion, or so-called hypothyroidism. This may also indicate damage to the pituitary gland that may result It is lazy thyroid.
    *Measurement of thyroxine Tetraiodothyronine :
    The T4 hormone in the blood is in two forms, one linked to proteins, the other free to enter the various cells of the body, which is greater than that in people with hyperthyroidism, while in patients with laziness of the gland, the levels of blood in the blood is below the minimum.
    * Triiodothyronine :
    T3 in the blood and is important in the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and its severity. It is used in the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction, as it is the last hormone to impair its levels in this case. Autoimmune diseases, in which the body's immune system attacks the thyroid cells as foreign bodies, are the most common diseases causing these disorders. Hypothyroidism such as fatigue, constant coldness, weight gain, low concentration, and depression. Hyperthyroidism such as weight loss, heat intolerance, and anxiety.
    - Test of the activated hormone of the vesicle (Follicle Stimulating Hormone-FSH) :
    Among the reasons that require the examination of women include: Evaluation of infertility problems. Assess the irregularity of the menstrual cycle, or interruption. Diagnosis of pituitary disorders or diseases related to ovulation. The menstrual disorders in women can be determined by the ratio of this hormone in the body. Discrimination in the diagnosis of primary ovarian failure and secondary ovarian failure. Know the factors associated with chromosomal deformation. Factors that cause ovulation weakness in women. Measuring the concentration of FSH in the blood is one of the most important tests used to determine the cause of delayed pregnancy. This hormone is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland.
    - Test the activated hormone of the yellow body (Luteinizing Hormone):
    The analysis of LH can be defined as the analysis that reveals the levels of the hormone activating the yellow body in the blood. Sometimes, this test may be required for several days, especially for women, because the levels of this hormone change during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, taking readings for several days Results in an accurate result. The test is difficult to cope with. Suffering from the absence or irregularity of the menstrual cycle. The appearance of signs of testosterone deficiency in men, examples of these signs: weakness of muscle mass. Predict the pituitary gland problems. Reaching males or females at a very late or early age. Helps to schedule ovulation to increase the chance of pregnancy. Is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland responsible for the production of yellow bodies controlling the reproductive system in both men and women; it is important in regulating the function of testes in men, and ovaries in women.
    - Milk hormone test (Prolactin) :
    This test is conducted to detect the presence of prolactin tumor and have health problems in women and men. Some milk drops in the breast without the woman being breastfed. The suspicion of pituitary tumor. The delay in reproduction without a clear cause. High milk hormone contributes to lowering the level of testosterone in men, and hormone estrogen in women. Proactin analysis measures the amount of prolactin in the bloodstream. In fact, prolactin is produced in the human body within the pituitary gland located below the brain. The amounts of this hormone are normally low within the male and female bodies, but it rises spontaneously in females during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The primary role of prolactin hormone, known as milk hormone, is to stimulate the female body to produce milk. The body usually produces more prolactin in response to the child's need for food by sucking the breast of the nursing mother. More milk is produced in the nursing body. It should be noted that the role played by this hormone in the bodies of males is not yet known accurately, but it is clear that the hormone prolactin is important to maintain the reproductive health of both sexes.
    - Male hormone test (Testosterone) :
    The testosterone test was done to measure the level of testosterone in the blood by taking a simple blood sample. Testosterone is a male sexual hormone, which affects the normal development of males and leads to the appearance of masculine signs. This hormone is produced in both sexes, but in much larger quantities in men, which is responsible for secondary sex signs (voice change, hair density, erectile body building) as well as sperm production. The level of this hormone is examined when infertility is suspected. On the other hand, the level of the hormone is examined in the blood of the woman, when it is necessary to know why the menstrual cycle is irregular. To detect any problem in the testis or pituitary causing infertility in men, low amounts of testosterone cause a decrease in the number of sperm and erectile dysfunction. Detection Increasing the production of testosterone causes early puberty, this examination is required for women with sarcoma or coarse voice or menstrual disorder to assess the cause of osteoporosis.
    - Hormone test(Oestradiol) :
    The predominant sex hormone in females produced by the ovaries is also present in males and the hormone level is low. A test is carried out to measure and control the hormone, for example, bleeding or absence of menstruation for the treatment of infertility and follow-up fetus in women, while in men when suffering from the symptoms of femininity. It has a fundamental role in the characteristics and behavior of females. The sample is drawn either from blood or urine.
    - Test of uterine cancer (CA 125):
    It is one of the tests done to determine the antibodies of many cancer cells. Is a blood test used to diagnose or monitor cancer treatment or monitor ovarian cancer if you are at risk of infection to check for cancer recurrence.  CA125 is a protein found in the blood that is produced by ovarian cancer cells, and there are other reasons that may increase in proportion to the blood such as: menstruation, endometrial, or ovarian cystic tumors. Ovarian cancer is known as the silent killer; however, there are some symptoms that appear on the infected woman: bleeding in the vagina. Disorders in the menstrual cycle. Increase the thickness of the wall of the uterus in women suddenly. The presence of ames in the back area.
    - Breast cancer test (CA15-3):
    The presence of the biological evidence (CA 15-3) in the blood is an important indication of the existence of several types of cancer and is often used to diagnose breast cancer and monitor and monitor patients in post-treatment, to ensure that the return of breast cancer in particular. Measuring CA 15-3 The level of CA 15-3 concentration in the blood is measured in several ways, the most important of which is measuring the absorption of the linked enzyme. The presence of a higher level of normal blood in the presence of the presence of tumors in the body.
    - Pancreatic cancer test(CA 19-9) :
    The analysis of CA 19-9 is particularly used in the follow-up of patients with pancreatic cancer. It may also increase in liver, stomach, gall bladder, colorectal, and other tumors outside the classification of tumors such as pancreatitis, gallbladder disease, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid and liver cirrhosis. This type of tumor signifies predictive response to treatment, relapses and relapse, and a large increase usually means that the tumor can not be surgically removed.  Is a sign (symbol) of disease in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. It is especially high in patients with pancreatic cancer, but also in intestinal cancers, in bile ducts and stomach, as well as non-cancerous conditions such as gallstones, pancreatitis, cirrhosis and gallbladder inflammation. In some cases this sign increases even without the presence of diseases in the digestive system.
    - Female hormone test(Progesterone) :
    This test is required at certain times during menstruation to see when ovulation occurs or during an advanced stage of pregnancy and to determine the state of health and in cases of uterine bleeding. Problems associated with menstrual cycle, such as impaired ovulation, polycystic ovaries. No pregnancy for more than one year after marriage. This analysis is performed for women who are given ovulation stimulants. Progesterone of female steroid hormones is excreted from the ovary and placenta and is synthesized in the adrenal cortex. Progesterone has an important role in the menstrual cycle, fertility rate, and pregnancy maintenance. Progesterone is secreted from the placenta throughout pregnancy and is excreted in larger quantities as pregnancy progresses. The hormone is responsible for the processing of the endometrium to receive the fertilized egg by increasing the blood supply of the lining of the uterus. During pregnancy, progesterone is responsible for accepting the immune system of the fetus by weakening the immune system, reducing the contractile movement of the uterus muscles during pregnancy, preventing the production of milk during pregnancy, and before birth, progesterone levels cause milk secretion. Progesterone analysis is performed in cases of weak ovulation problems and to monitor pregnancy status.
    - Sensitivity test(Prostate-Specific Antigen) :
    It is called prostate prostate test. Is the test that detects the concentration of protein produced by the prostate in a blood sample, which increases its focus on prostate disorders due to increased secretions. The PSA test is a good indicator of prostate disorders in terms of prostate cancer, or prostate infection due to bacterial infection, by analyzing the proportion of detected samples, a value that indicates the presence of the disease, and does not confirm its type, is used as a test in the treatment of cancers of prostatitis, In which prostate cancer is not spread, where prostatectomy is used. Periodic PSA tests are assumed to be zero, with a reading greater than zero. PSA indicates that prostate cells have not yet been removed, and the cancer may be spread outside the prostate.
    -Sensitivity test(IgE Total) :
    This test is required to test satisfactory symptoms in the skin, lungs or gastrointestinal tract as a parasitic infection.   The immune system produces specific antibodies of the IgE type, leading to immediate allergies. Symptoms appear within a few seconds to several minutes such as: severe swelling, difficulty breathing, skin rash, itching or even hypersensitivity trauma.
    An allergic person can often determine the food that causes the allergic reaction because its symptoms appear immediately. It is therefore not necessary to have a blood test to identify this type of allergies. The IgE antibody tests are mainly conducted to confirm the validity of the diagnosis.
    - Carotidosis test (Toxoplasmosis Antibodies) :
    An infection of a parasite is called for the appearance of flu-like symptoms and severe brain and eye infections. Infection caused by a parasite from the progenitor is transmitted from infected animals to humans if picked up by a pregnant woman that can cause serious harm to the fetus.   Results of examination of antibodies to toxoplasmosis IgM is the first antibody to appear in the blood, a few days after sepsis begins.   IgG is detected in the blood 2 to 3 weeks after the onset of sepsis and then continues to rise to a fixed value after two months.
    - Cytomegalovirus testing :
    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus that can infect almost anyone. When infected, your body keeps the virus for the rest of your life. Most people do not know they carry the CMV because it only causes problems in healthy people in rare cases. But if you are pregnant or have a weak immune system, the cytomegalovirus (CMV) may be a cause for concern. Women infected with the active CMV virus during pregnancy can transmit the virus to their child, who may then experience signs and symptoms. For people with immune impairment, specifically because of organ transplantation, the CMV infection may be fatal. The CMV travels from person to person through body fluids such as blood, saliva, urine, semen, and breast milk. There is no cure for this virus. However, medications can help treat newborns and people with weakened immune systems .
    - German measles test(Rubella Virus) :
    This test is required before or at the beginning of pregnancy. When a pregnant woman suffers from high body temperature and the appearance of a rash The result of pregnant women with the rubella virus during the first three months of pregnancy and lead to congenital defects in the fetus such as blindness, deafness and defects of the heart muscle or lead to the death of the fetus.
    - Widal test: Widal test :
    Work to determine whether a person has typhoid and not. The symptoms of the disease, such as high fever, headache, white tongue, abdominal pain, muscle, nausea and rash in some cases, are not shown. Typhoid fever is a severe bacterial infection caused by Salmonella. Salmonella is a bacteria that affects the digestive system (stomach and intestines), and is dangerous from intestinal flora if the infection remains in the intestine, and serious complications can occur if the infection is outside the intestine and enters the blood circulation and can cause injury to other organs such as mucous membranes of the brain or bone marrow .
    - Maltese fever test(Brucella) :
    Brucellosis may be difficult to identify, especially in the early stages, where it is often associated with other conditions such as flu. You should visit your doctor if you have high fever, muscle pain, unusual weakness, any risk factors, or persistent fever. Brucellosis is a bacterial infection transmitted from animals to humans through unpasteurized milk, cheese and other dairy products. In the most rare cases, bacteria causing brucellosis may be transmitted through air or direct contact with infected animals. Brucella melitensis. Symptoms of brucellosis may include fever, joint pain and fatigue. Infection can usually be successfully treated with antibiotics. The treatment takes several weeks to several months, but relapses are common.
    - (VIT B12) :
    Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamine Cobalamine is one of the B vitamins dissolved in water, which means that it dissolves in the water and travels through the blood to all parts of the body, and vitamin B 12 vitamin is the largest and most complex in the composition, and can store the body for years, and get rid of any excess of it by It is naturally found in meat and is artificially produced by bacterial fermentation to add to certain foods. It is also found in the form of an oral supplement, in addition to nasal sprays, and injections that can be prescribed by the doctor to a person who is deficient in vitamin B12. Human gets this vitamin through nutrition, especially when eating animal food source, such as:  Meat, eggs, milk and cheese. Most people who feed on these foods do not get vitamin B12 deficiency unless there is a problem with their absorption. Vitamin B12 deficiency, beginning with anemia, is reflected in a lower level of hemoglobin than normal, which is often the main cause of blood levels.
    - Test the proportion of insulin in the blood (Insulin):
    Low sugar levels, symptoms of sweating, heart palpitations, dizziness, diabetes, insulin control or insulin resistance are known to determine functional stock of the pancreas. Insulin, a hormone produced in the beta cells of the pancreas, is responsible for balancing the body's sugar. High levels of glucose in the blood to increase the secretion of insulin, insulin enters the glucose into the cells, which leads to lower blood glucose level again.
    In the case of type 1 diabetic diabetes or insulin-related diabetes, damage to beta cells in the pancreas results in decreased insulin production. As a result, a significant increase in glucose level occurs in the blood In type 2 diabetes, there is resistance in the body's tissues to the effectiveness of insulin, which causes the pancreas to try to produce more insulin to overcome the resistance. In such cases, insulin levels are normal, or even high.
    - Test Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) :
    Women are asked to do this test when they experience increased facial and body hair, acne, menopause or infertility. When a child shows signs of early puberty.
    It is the male hormone (androgen) and is found in both men and women. DHEAS is produced in particular from adrenal glands, with small amounts produced by ovulation of women and testes.
    - Men hormone function :
    1 - plays a role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics of males in adulthood
    2-It can be converted by the body to more potent androgens, such as testosterone and androsterone
    3 - can be converted to female hormone estrogen. DHEAS, along with the testosterone and many other male hormones (androgens), assess the function of the adrenal gland.
    - Folic Acid Test: (Folic Acid)
    Exceptional results are performed in complete blood analysis. Folic acid is a vitamin B used by the body to produce red blood cells.
    These complex vitamins are essential for proper metabolism of fats and fats, and help protect the digestive system, skin, hair, nervous system, muscles, and other tissues in the body.
    Is necessary in periods of rapid growth such as pregnancy, adolescence, and childhood. With vitamin B12 support, folic acid helps control the production of red blood cells and helps to properly distribute iron in the body, and this vitamin deficiency can lead to anemia. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin of group B. Folic acid is found primarily in the liver, kidneys, milk, eggs, yeast and green vegetables. Folic acid is found in the food in an inactive form, when eaten, is disassembled and absorbed through the small intestine in its active form, into circulation.
    Folic acid stores in the body are relatively small, so malnutrition can lead to short folic acid deficiency, especially during pregnancy, when the need for this acid increases, as do older people and alcoholics. High levels of this vitamin do not cause damage or the appearance of satisfactory symptoms, but may cause low levels of anemia, low white blood cells and platelets.
    - Cortisone test(Cortisol) :
    The concentration of cortisol in serum or urine is examined and tested. Cortisol is a steroid hormone secreted from the adrenal gland, a reaction to the release of a hormone from the pituitary gland.
    Cortisol is primarily responsible for metabolizing substances in the body and is released as a reaction in stress situations. In addition, cortisol monitors certain immune system activities. In general, cortisol is excreted in larger amounts in the early morning hours, and this amount is reduced in the evening.
    Excess secretion of cortisol, due to tumor in the pituitary gland or in the adrenal gland.